Monday, October 20, 2008

Five steps create effective keywords

Keyword research is a vital aspect of Search Engine Optimizaton planning, site if you install the wrong keyword, search engines and customer you will not find your website

Keyword research process can jabarkan at some points in the following:

1? Create a Keyword List and check the list 2x
2? Use Keyword Research Tool
3? Make sure your Keyword List Once Again
4? Step Plan for You
5? Submit to Search Engines


1? Create a Keyword List and check the list 2x

The first step in the process is to create a list of potential keywords. Think of all the words that will be in the visitor type in the Google search box or other search engines to find your website
examples of "photoshop tutorials" or "cheap laptop"

2? Use Keyword Research Tool
In this case we take the example we want to put the keyword "photoshop tutorials", previously we do not know how much value persainganm, from the keyword "photoshop tutorials", the higher the value of competition, the more keyword search for the visitor.

Value Comparison and competition
50 photoshop tutorials

learn about 20
so people prefer to search for the keyword "photoshop tutorials" rather than "learning about"

Now in the comparative value of the keyword search we can use some tools that are available on the internet, there are free and no pay, including:
Overture Keyword Selector Tool (Free):
Overture keyword competition other than the show, he also displays a combination of keyword phrases related
this is suitable for "niche Market"

Wordtracker: - good tool, but for the free version he only shows MSN Search Result,
Google AdWords Keyword Tool:

https: / / / select / KeywordToolExternal
For those who want to install Adwords you can know the price of the keyword here
3? Make sure your Keyword List Once Again

The one you know yourself what to do it in, whether choosing keywords that have high competition or low competition (niche market)
Value Comparison and competition
50 photoshop tutorials

learn about 20
Here it is, you select to use the keyword which

=> If you use keywords that have high competition, then to counterbalance to the website you must learner-high PageRank
=> If you use keywords that have low competition (niche Market), the website you can easily reach # 1 Ranking in Google
4? Step Plan for You

Prepare your steps and install keyword-keyword is on:
# Title Tag title

# Description Meta Tags meta decscription=""
# Meta Keywords Tag meta keyword=""
# Headings h1 h2
# Alt text
# Anchor Text / Navigational Links a href="" keyword
5? Submit to Search Engines

You can mensubmit your website to Google at / addurl and Yahoo


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