The Menu Animation feature shows an Animation effect when we open a Menu. This effect causes menus to open with some delay. This also gives an impression that the system is slow. You might have seen that when you right click an empty area in the Desktop, Context Menu opens with a very annoying delay. Anytime you right click, delay occurs in opening of menus. This looks very irritating & boring. So a good option is to disable the Menu Animation. This will cause Menus to open really fast. Here's how to do it:
There are utilities like "Powertoys for Windows XP" & TuneUp Utilities. Powertoys can be found in your Windows XP Service Pack 2 CD. Insert your CD, Browse for the folder "XP_XTRAS"->open it. There will be a folder "XP powertoys". Open it & double click the file "POWERTOYSETUP.exe ".
Follow the instructions. When installation is completed, click Start->Powertoys for Windows XP->TweakUI for Windows XP. A window will appear. On left side there is a list of various categories. Click the category "General". Deselct the option "Enable menu animation" on right side of the screen. Press OK. That's it! Manu Animation has been disabled. Now experience much faster & cleaner Menus opening. You will feel that your system has become lightening fast. Now your menus (Both on Menu Toolbar & Context menu) will open immediately without a delay. You can disable other animation effects as well. Just start TweakUI for Windows XP & under General category check other available animation effecs. Just click an option & you'll see it's description below. Deselect the effects which you don't want to occur. Simple. Isn't it!
According to Stanford Medical, It is really the one and ONLY reason this country's women live 10 years more and weigh on average 19 kilos lighter than us.
(By the way, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING to do with "how" they are eating.)
BTW, What I said is "HOW", and not "WHAT"...
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