Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Making a blog with simple tips

There is little experience for some time with the world's Blog.
To create Blog inysa God is not too difficult. Moreover, many providers now have a free blog service. For example and In addition to the 2 is also still a lot of the other.

To create Blog on simple, required only 3 steps, namely
1. Create an Account
2. Name your blog
3. Choose a template

+ +> First-time entry into, and then click the button CREATE YOUR BLOG NOW. So will showed the first step, namely the Create an Account.
Fill only the data requested, do not forget to check Acceptance of the Term.
Then Click the Continue button.

+ +> You will be up on the steps 2, Name your blog.
There are 2 field must be filled, namely:

Blog Title: Blog Title is the name for it. We can fill them with eg 'My Personal Blog', 'IDE's Journal,' 'Moslem Indonesia Blogger' or whatever it is.

Blog address (URL): Blog address will be used as a blog address that later we can be accessed online from the web. There are 2 options provided by, namely using Blogspot ( is a free service from Blogger. Or Advanced Setup options, which we use the web hosting that we have (missal: But later we will study this Adcanced setup on the other.
For Basic setup, we live to enter the name of the blog we want on the field Blog address (URL). For instance, we enter 'muslimblog', the address it is

Blog it when we enter the address that is already using, it will display an error message, and ask us to enter the Blog Address the other.

After the second field was (Blog Title & Blog Address (URL)) we complete, click Continue to go to the next stage (langkah3).

+ +> Step three is the 'Choose a template'. There are about 30 templates provided by We choose to live templates which we like. And keep in mind that we can replace them soon if we are bored with one of the templates to choose other templates.

After we select the templates provided, then followed by pressing the button Continue. If successful it will display a message of success.

But until this step, we already have a blog, but still empty the contents. For that we will continue to write something on it, that's called the "Post". Click the Start button and the post will be up on the page to post

+ +> To write on it, we just write the title in the Title column and write what we want to write a column in the Post. Then just click Publish Post button to post them and display the results on the Blog. But if we want to note we do not appear in the blog, simply press the button save a post as a draft.

Therefore, how to make a brief Blog at, then you can to create more at, for instance, show photo, design your own template, and others.

It was asked, how to write a good blog?
Make Blog with other Websites is that the blog has characteristics, namely Update Frequently. Of course, we must be diligent to fill us with any blog that we write. Developing countries, writing in the mind and what you like. Write about what you love, so may kerennya language).
Therefore, many who say that the blog is Diary Online. It differs from the Diary of a day-to-day we know that deliberately created so that other people do not know and read. Online Diary (Blog) is kebalikannya, deliberately created and written so that other people read them.

There is one more that needs to be, Know who you blog readers! Know your intended audience? .

And the last one, be patient! Be Patient!. Because most blog initially not too many readers. But along with the frequency we update our Blog, and certainly in line with the time, Allah will be more and more people to visit our blog to read our paper and what we show in our Blog.

It is advisable to visit the Blog other people, and seringlah fill the tagboard (order book) them, albeit just say 'Hi' or even pronounce it a "Assalamulaikum." And of course they will be interested to know grantor message / greeting, and finally to visit our blog. So pick the ball continue to update the blog and we came to another just for a graying. Not impossible it will create a snow ball in our Blog, and of course continue bergelinding continues to grow.

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