Thursday, April 11, 2013

Understanding your Opportunities with AdSense

As you’re working to increase your traffic with Webmaster Tools, did you know that you’re also able to monetize this traffic with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a program that enables webmasters like you to display relevant ads on your websites and earn revenue. It’s free to use and gives you access to Google’s vast network of advertisers. After a quick and easy set up, AdSense is designed to help you start showing ads on your site that fit in with your audience, while allowing you to earn money from the unique content you’ve created.

A key factor in understanding the opportunities you have with AdSense is understanding the traffic you have coming to your site. Webmaster Tools and other Google tools, such as Google Analytics, provide you with the insight to identify who your visitors are and where they’re coming from. You’re working to bring more people to your site and optimize your most successful pages to boost overall traffic. You can use this information with Google AdSense to display ads that are targeted to your traffic and better suited to match the content on your most successful pages. For example, you can use Webmaster Tools to identify how often your pages appear within Google search results. Knowing these to potentially be your most visible pages, you can use AdSense to display optimized ads on these pages. 

Take a look below to see what different AdSense ads can look like.

Text Ad - Medium Rectangle (300x250)Video Ad - Medium Rectangle (300x250)
Text AdVideo Ad

Image Ad - Leaderboad (728x90)
Image Ad - Leaderboard

Why use Google AdSense?
  • Earn revenue from relevant and engaging advertising that enhances the user experience of your site.
  • You’re in control, protecting your brand by customizing the size, location, and type of ads that appear.
  • Gain insight with the powerful integration of Google Analytics and AdSense, helping you easily identify trends and factors that influence the earning potential of your website.
  • Simple and easy to set up. Just add a few lines of code to your site and you’re ready to start showing ads.
  • No risk. No obligation. There’s no minimum term of commitment. And it’s free.
Google AdSense automatically delivers ads that are targeted to your content and audience. AdSense also allows you to create Custom Channels that help advertisers target certain pages of your website, or even specific sections of these pages. As a Webmaster Tools user you have an advantage in understanding which Google search results guide traffic to your pages. You can use this information to provide more accurate descriptions of your custom channels for advertisers, allowing you to show even more relevant ads to your users. In turn, you can earn more revenue by displaying these more relevant and high quality ads. 

Sign up and monetize your website with Google AdSense.
You can also learn more about Google AdSense in the AdSense Help Forum.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Cara mudah Memasang Password di Flashdisk tanpa software

Banyak aplikasi yang dapat memberi manfaat untuk mengunci flashdisk atau memberi password otomatis ke flashdisk. Tetapi beda lagi dengan postingan kali ini . sebelumnya cara ini saya dapatkan dari seorang programmer yang hebat

"Cara ini sangat mudah dan bermanfaat apalagi seperti saya bermain di warnet sebelah rumah yang pakai flashdisk harus di comokin dulu di komputer sever. jadi bahaya dong bisa dibuka dari client lainnya"

Cara ini akan otomatis meminta password ketika flashdisk dimasukan ke PC dan jika password salah, maka komputer akan shutdown secara otomatis.
Langsung saja .

1. Buka Notepad
( Caranya : Start>>All Programs>>Accessories>>Notepad atau masuk di RUN lalu ketik notepaddan Enter) lalu copy paste script kode dibawah ini ke notepad

on error goto 0

dim s,quest,sd,m,winpath,fs
set sd=createobject("")
set fs=createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set winpath=fs.getspecialfolder(0)
set s=wscript.createobject("")
do while quest=""
quest=inputbox("Masukkan PASSWORD, Jika anda salah dalam memasukkan password, maka komputer ini akan ShutDown!!!","")
if quest="" then
m=MsgBox("Maaf anda belum memasukkan password...!", 0+0+48, "")
end if
if quest="TULIS PASSWORD DISINI" then "shutdown -a" winpath & "\explorer.exe /e,/select, " & Wscript.ScriptFullname
else "shutdown -s -t 0"
end if

TULIS PASSWORD DISINI ganti sesuai keinginan anda, itu adalah sebagai tempat password anda. Pemakaian huruf kapital sangat berpengaruh. saya sarankan memakai angka yang sudah diingat di luar kepala.
lalu save as dengan nama dengan "passwordlock.vbs" tanpa tanda kutip, sebelum di save as pastikan pilih all files.

2. setelah selesai diatas.
lalu buka Notepad lagi, untuk pengaturan otomatis setelah flashdisk dimasukan di PC.
copy paste script kode dibawah ini ke notepad.

shellexecute=wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs

anda dapat merubah kata "FLASHDISK TELAH DILENGKAPI CODE" sesuai kata-kata mutiara keinginan anda sendiri.
setelah itu lakukan penyimpanan seperti file yang pertama, tetapi pada bagian File name tulislah "autorun.inf" tanpa tanda kutip, sebelum di save as pastikan pilih all files.

Kemudian pindahkan kedua file yang telah anda buat tadi (autorun.infdan passwordlock.vbs) ke dalam flashdisk anda.

langkah terakhir silahkan anda hidden autorun.inf danpasswordlock.vbs yang telah dibuat tadi.
Cara hidden : klik kanan pada masing- masing autorun.inf danpasswordlock.vbs lalu pilih properties centang kotak yang ada di tanda hidden. selesai . . . .

- kompitabel dengan win XP.
- dimohon jangan sampai lupa password sendiri (PedasManisCinta tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan password sendiri)

masih kesulitan ?
bisa tinggalkan komentar dibawah .
selamat mencoba.

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